DO NOT KILL OUR DOGS - Perrenjas City

In a City in Albania called Perrenjas , on 5 April 2012 the Mayor of the Municipality told to the citizens that all the stray dogs would be killed until 25.04.2012 during the latest hours of the night ( between 24.00 untill 03.00) . After a meeting with the Mayor of the Municipality on Sanday he delayed this decision until Tuesday 10.04.2012 . Day in which ARA will participate in the meating of the Council of th eMunicipality to change their mind about killind the dogs with guns. Explaining to them that there are other solution civilized spray and neuter which ARA took the responsability to spray and neuter them, but not only vaccination and everything else to make them like real pets, so they will not use anymor ethe idea of agresive or not vaccination animals, and will not be anymore overpopulated. We are talking onli for about 50 dogs which live in this small city with 11.000 residens.  Please help us by signing this petition and save their lives.

Everyone that would like to contribute with money by helping us shpuld now that everything will be trasparent and showned . Untill now we have a approximate cost of 2300 euro to realize this project of spray and neuter , vaccination , collar, scalibor and the medicine against worms for 50 dogs.  

This is a moment where your help call because the number of dogs, which will be operated is un-affordable by us alone. We welcome your help in our bank account: 


Iban eur AL8020511258557268CLTJCFEURK

 Banka Kombetare Tregtare


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