Save Threatened Animals in Victoria!

Victoria, Australia is home to many beautiful and interesting threatened animals such as the Tasmanian devil, orange-bellied parrot, spotted tree frog and brush-tailed rock wallaby. Unfortunately, fewer than half of the 599 threatened species and 75 ecological communities have a formal action statement drawn up to manage their conservation.

Only one action statement -- for the dingo -- was released in the past year.

The Flora and Fauna Act of 1988 requires an action statement to be prepared as soon as possible after a threatened species or community is listed. Furthermore, each action statement should be updated every three to five years. But as of 2009, only 15 statements had been updated and almost nothing has changed since the 2009 report.

The Victoria state government has not been honoring laws meant to conserve their native species and their environments. Please sign the petition to convince the government to enforce the Flora and Fauna Act.

To: The Victoria State Government

We, the undersigned are concerned that the Victoria state government has not been honoring laws meant to conserve native species and their environments. The state is home to many beautiful and interesting threatened animals such as the Tasmanian devil, orange-bellied parrot, spotted tree frog and brush-tailed rock wallaby. Unfortunately, fewer than half of the 599 threatened species and 75 ecological communities have a formal action statement drawn up to manage their conservation. Only one action statement -- for the dingo -- was released in the past year.

The Flora and Fauna Act of 1988 requires an action statement to be prepared as soon as possible after a threatened species or community is listed. Furthermore, each action statement should be updated every three to five years. According to an April 2009 Auditor-Generals report, laws drawn up to protect threatened species are out of date and underused. As of 2009, only 15 statements had been updated and almost nothing has changed since the 2009 report.

Please make a serious effort to enforce the Flora and Fauna act from this year forward. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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