Big Cats Aren't Pets — So Why Is Owning Them Still Legal?

*UPDATE* Wonderful news! The Big Cat Safety Act was reintroduced in both the House and the Senate this year, 2021. This is a huge step towards protecting tigers, lions, and other big cats from the many horrors of captivity. But we must keep the pressure on so that this bill actually becomes law this time. Keep signing and sharing the petition!
There are more tigers in American backyards than there are in the wild. 

Sign now to demand lawmakers stop other big cats from suffering in captivity.

In 2019, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, once again, introduced the Big Cat Public Safety Act S.2561. If passed, the bill would close loopholes that allow people to breed and keep tigers, cougars, and other big cats as pets, as well as restrict the public's contact with the animals.

"Thousands of big cats are currently owned as pets or maintained in ill-equipped roadside zoos and menageries, which pose a severe risk to the safety of people in surrounding communities, as well as the welfare of the cats themselves," says Born Free USA CEO Prashant Khetan. "It's about time that we had a federal law that can serve to stop this inhumane practice around the country."

Unfortunately, like many other pro-animal rights bills introduced last year, the Big Cat Public Safety Act failed to get enough support in Congress to become law. That is unacceptable. Our elected officials should represent the public's will. Right now, the public is demanding better laws that will help protect animals like captive big cats. They must listen to their constituents and take action. This bill must not go another year without becoming law. 

Use your voice to ask Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal to re-introduce the Big Cat Public Safety Act and then contact your representatives, telling them to support this bill and ensure it becomes law. 

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