Estes Park Colorado needs to stop killing innocent wildlife like a mother bear.

    Every year there is a new animal getting killed last year there was two bears being killed this year there was a mother bear getting killed none of those three animals harmed a human or even went after human the only reason why they decided to put this poor bear down all three of them I should say was because they were getting into trash cans and cars where people would leave their trash cans open or leave food in their cars Estes Park is a mountain town we came into their land we should not be able to euthanize them we should have to relocate them if anything there is other options out there other than killing
    Actualizar #2hace 6 años
    Here we go again they are going to put a bear down at the Stanley hotel this shit needs to stop this is there land not owers they are bating the bear to kill her or him we need to act now
    Actualizar #1hace 6 años
    Well we have 300+ signatures going, we can do this we need to without our wildlife are eco system would fail. Here's what has been being said that the Stanley hotel has been having bear problems and that they want to get ride of the bear here when they say that it mean kill, the thing is they don't have bear proof trash cans they aren't even getting in trouble for it but yet they are getting mad about the bear getting into trash cans this is humans fault again something needs to be done soon.
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