Stop these inhumane laws don’t let them go into place

  • al: Tirza Ming
  • destinatario: Europes government, as well as New York State government

Currently in Europe, they are going to be passing a law come the end of this month or beginning of 2024. They will no longer allow people to breed pit bulls, extra large bullies or bullies. And they will be illegal to own without certain documentations and if you already currently have one, you cannot take them outside without a muzzle any of them that are in Humane Society's will be put down They are discriminating all because of a dog breed they are already taking advantage of this law there has been videos posted. It is inhumane, it's not about the breed of the dog it's about how the dog is treated and raised

In New York State come the beginning of 2024, Governor Kathy Hochul just signed a law making it to where pet stores will no longer be able to sell dogs, cats or rabbits so that all of the animals that are currently in those stores will have to go to a Humane Society, or a shelter, and that if the pet store wants to pay the shelter rent to supply and hold onto adoptable animals that they can they're so-called reasoning behind this law is so people will stop mix breeding dogs and selling them
I know where I am located in upstate New York. All of our humane societies and animal shelters are full to capacity I feel like they failed to put this into consideration most of our local shelters, and Humane Society struggle just to be able to provide for the animals that they have now they're understaffed under supplied and don't have any more room let's not forget just because it's a humane society, or Shelter. It doesn't mean it's a no kill place (meaning they will put the animals down if they don't get adopted within a timely matter) We already have so many strays, and now they are going to do this this is not right animals are innocent they are like children. This is beyond inhumane They are passing these laws without putting everything into consideration. It's sickening

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