This is FaceBook's description of "Graphic Content":
" People use Facebook to share events through photos and videos. We understand that graphic imagery is a regular component of current events, but must balance the needs of a diverse community. Sharing any graphic content for sadistic pleasure is prohibited."
Animal Rights Activists have been trying to remove (by 'reporting') FaceBook sites that have the clear and intentional purpose of "enjoying" abusive behavior, including graphic content. "SKINNING ANIMALS ALIVE", "INSERTING FIREWORKS INTO LIVE ANIMALS", "STRANGLING LIVE ANIMALS", "SEXUALLY ABUSING ANIMALS", "PROVOKING OTHERS TO HARM ANIMALS" and "ANIMAL HATE" sites.
Pictures and videos of animals; mainly dogs and cats, have been the target of horrific abuse in which we cannot get FaceBook to remove. FB's reply: "Thanks for your recent report of a potential violation on Facebook. After reviewing your report, we were not able to confirm that the specific page you reported violates Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities." This completely CONTRADICTS your OWN Regulations on monitoring FaceBook--yet, FB will block Animal Rights Activists' Accounts for days and weeks at a time for trying to STOP abusive behavior.
All we ask is that FaceBook will take down sites 'reported'-- that people are clearly out to "GET OFF" on pictures of harming animals, and/or people with disabilities and diseases who are BLATANTLY being attacked and mocked; to do mental and PHYSICAL HARM and that these sites will be monitored in a strict manor to which FB will consider itself to be a place of higher standards, and allow Animal Rights Activists to 'help' STOP the horrific abuse that these sites are 'promoting'. ACTUAL ABUSERS ARE NOT TO BE REPORTED, BUT FOUND AND PROSECUTED (reporting these sites to Interpol).
Dear FaceBook:
This is FaceBook's description of "Graphic Content":
" People use Facebook to share events through photos and videos. We understand that graphic imagery is a regular component of current events, but must balance the needs of a diverse community. Sharing any graphic content for sadistic pleasure is prohibited."
Animal Rights Activists have been trying to remove (by 'reporting') FaceBook sites that have the clear and intentional purpose of "enjoying" abusive behavior, including graphic content. "SKINNING ANIMALS ALIVE", "INSERTING FIREWORKS INTO LIVE ANIMALS", "STRANGLING LIVE ANIMALS", "SEXUALLY ABUSING ANIMALS", "PROVOKING OTHERS TO HARM ANIMALS" and "ANIMAL HATE" sites.
Pictures and videos of animals; mainly dogs and cats, have been the target of horrific abuse in which we cannot get FaceBook to remove. FB's reply: "Thanks for your recent report of a potential violation on Facebook. After reviewing your report, we were not able to confirm that the specific page you reported violates Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities." This completely CONTRADICTS your OWN Regulations on monitoring FaceBook--yet, FB will block Animal Rights Activists' Accounts for days and weeks at a time for trying to STOP abusive behavior.
All we ask is that FaceBook will take down sites 'reported'-- that people are clearly out to "GET OFF" on pictures of harming animals, and/or people with disabilities and diseases who are BLATANTLY being attacked and mocked; to do mental and PHYSICAL HARM and that these sites will be monitored in a strict manor to which FB will consider itself to be a place of higher standards, and allow Animal Rights Activists to 'help' STOP the horrific abuse that these sites are 'promoting'. ACTUAL ABUSERS ARE NOT TO BE REPORTED, BUT FOUND AND PROSECUTED (reporting these sites to Interpol).
Thank you.
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