Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the Chinese and Myanmar Governments to crackdown on animal poaching and trafficking. These areas are so poorly patrolled and are high on the list of selling animal parts of all types for money and profit.
As disturbing as it is, China along the eastern coast known as Mong La, Myanmar is still on top of the list for their role of poaching and trafficking of endangered animals. Just imagine a menu of drinks made from poached animals, tiger skeletons marinated in a dark alcoholic tonic in an aquarium without eyes gazing at patrons not to mention body parts of all types hanging in markets on busy streets! The tonic of tiger is supposed to be an aphrodisiac for the man "in the bedroom," as a traditional medicine, as a gastronomic delicacy and an attention grabber for most people that make it across the border to the Myanmar's city of sin.
These Chinese countries disregard the value of the endangered species of animals and are only motivated by profit. They feel their areas are only full of prostitutes, gambling and rare animals often for consumption. The past several decades, China's extraordinary economic expansion has created a vast cohort of nouveau riche, eager to spend cash on totems of wealth and prestige. Trafficking and poaching of endangered animals is still a huge problem and concern in Southeast Asia according to a spokesperson for TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network.
Such animal poaching and trafficking has got to stop. We need to be a loud voice for these greedy countries and ask them to crackdown on poaching and trafficking of all special endangered animals. Please support this issue by signing and sharing this petition worldwide on all media sites and put an end to killing animals "just for spite and fun!!"
China and Myanmar Government Officials Along with TRAFFIC - Stop poaching and trafficking of endangered animals in your countries. You need to crackdown on wildlife trafficking in these poorly-patrolled border regions by increasing the patrol of the areas and enforcing laws against killing animals for fun and profit. If you were to implement stricter laws, extreme harsher punishments and more steady patrolling to stop people from poaching and trafficking of innocent, endangered creatures. Unless you become more strict with stricter repercussions, these issues will not stop!!