• al: sharon s
  • destinatario: Bill Galbraith, W.T. Galbraith Oil, Lansdowne, PA

The W.T. Galbraith Oil Company JEOPARDIZED MY DOGS' HEALTH, both of whom had been declared perfectly healthy by their veterinarians just before Galbraith Oil created a spill in the basement of my home. Help me to demand that this oil company take responsibility for Iinjuring my two beloved pets!

On October 22, 2018 my oil company, W.T. Galbraith Oil, overfilled my oil tank, creating a noxious odor. The tank was in the basement of my home, but the entire house smelled -- especially in the bedroom, which is over the basement.

I was sneezing and coughing but thought that the smell would dissipate. It did not. I contacted the oil company and they sent someone to resolve the issue -- not immediately, but 2 days after the spill. This did not resolve the issue. Three days after the oil spill, my beloved Boston Terrier named Lulu had a seizure and became blind for about 6-8 hours.

She had just had a checkup recently and was deemed healthy. She has never had a seizure before. I rushed my dog to the pet hospital and she was examined by an ophthalmologist. His tests did not show any eye issues. He recommended an MRI. But then the next day, she had a seizure again and intermittent blindness.

The MRI did not show any evidence of eye issues, so he recommended that I see a neurologist. The neurologist did a CAT Scan and a spinal tap and deemed that my dog had no physical issues to cause the seizures and blindness and that it was highly likely that these are caused by toxins from the oil spill. One of the 5 main reasons for dog seizures is toxins. She is now taking seizure medication and may have to take it for the rest of her life.

Five weeks later, my other dog Chelsea, who had also been deemed healthy after a recent exam, started to have difficulty breathing. I rushed her to the vet, who said that she had severe asthma. She has never had asthma before.

All of these issues were due to the negligence of Galbraith Oil. I now have $3,900.00 worth of veterinary bills that Galbraith Oil refuses to pay.

Please demand that Galbraith oil be responsible for these vet bills. I saved Lulu, my Boston Terrier, from a puppy mill but could not save her from Galbraith Oil.

Actualizar #1hace 4 años
Galbraith oil never took responsibility and left me with 3900 worth of bills.
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