TIME Magazine - Please delete the Traveler Tip to Canidrome Greyhound-Racing Stadium

There are thousands of dogs dying for a few minutes of fun. It can`t be in your interest to support such cruelty. Neither in Macau nor in any other city.


• Greyhound racing has been recognised as a cruel sport and therefore banned in 6 states of the USA and also in South Africa. This is partly due to the high rate of accidents caused to racing dogs and the huge numbers of dogs disposed of annually by the industry.

Please delete this Traveler Tip from your Site.

Dear Sir, Madame,

as a regular TIMES reader, I find your magazine very informative and serious. I was therefore very surprised to come across an article about GREYHOUND RACING in your traveler tips section.

There are thousands of dogs dying each year for a few minutes of public entertainment. It can`t be in your interest to support such cruelty, neither in Macau nor in any other city.

Here is a link to the article which concerns me.


Greyhound racing has been recognised as a cruel sport and therefore banned in 6 states of the USA and also in South Africa. This is partly due to the high rate of accidents caused to racing dogs and the huge numbers of dogs disposed of annually by the industry.

Here is some Information about Greyhound Racing which should be of use to you and to help you decide if you want to continue to support this cruelty.





I hereby kindly request that you remove this article from your traveler tip web page.

Best regards,

Dirk Frohne

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