We support Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party

Update 29 June 2016: 
The petition was sent to John Cryer, chair of the PLP. However, the PLP agreed to have a vote of no confidence in Corbyn despite this process not following the Party rules. 172 Labour MPs voted in favour of the no-confidence motion; 40 voted against. The party rules state that if MPs wish to remove a leader, 51 MPs must nominate a named alternative then a leadership election will be held. 

Please continue to sign and share this petition to show your support for Jeremy Corbyn in the inevitable upcoming Labour Party leadership contest.


Two MPs have tabled a motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn. The Chair of the Labour PLP has to decide if it should be debated at the Labour PLP meeting on Monday 27 June. If it is debated it may go to a vote of MPs only on Tuesday 28 June. 

We, the members of the Labour Party, voted for Jeremy Corbyn with a massive mandate. We continue to support Jeremy Corbyn and demand that this motion be thrown out by the Chair, John Cryer

As members and supporters of the Labour Party, please sign this petition now. Show your support for Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party, and urge the Chair of the PLP to throw out the motion to remove him as leader.

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