Stop Frog Racing Now!!

  • al: Jill M
  • destinatario: Village of Dousman, Wisconsin

Dousman Derby Days takes place annually in Dousman, Wisconsin. The festival's main attraction is the Wisconsin State Frog Jump.

For an entry fee of $1, contestants "coax" their frogs into leaping the longest distances. If you don't happen to have your own frog, you can RENT one!

The annual Wisconsin State Frog Jump is a Dousman tradition. Back when trains were in use, the Dousman train stop was known as Bullfrog Station because they are known for swamps and frogs. The frog jump originated in 1955 as a fundraiser for a new community center when the old one was destroyed by fire.

As we know, animals are not ours to use and abuse for entertainment. Frogs should be in their natural habitat instead of being used in a competition. Mistreating frogs is certainly no way to honor the city's history.

Please sign this petition to urge the city of Dousman to step out of the 1950s and put a stop to this abusive tradition!!

Actualizar #1hace 6 años
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for signing my petition. I’m just about halfway to my goal number of signatures and could use your help to increase momentum. Anything you can do to share this with your friends via e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter would be appreciated. Thanks for all you do for animals!!
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