• al: Daniel Felix
  • destinatario: GOV. McCrory,Dare County Commissioners

While the parent petition is ongoing-HATTERAS NC LIVE KITTENS THROWN IN THE AIR AND SHOT OTHERS DROWNED which has updated pictures of the cats horribly killed while the petition is ongoing.The serial cat killers of Hatteras NC have claimed NOW 24 TOTAL cats and still no effort is being made to stop the killings by these authorities just adding to their negligence.Contact Gov. Mc Crory at (governor.office@nc.gov) and the Dare County Commissioners at (DCBOC@darenc.com) and sign and send this.These authorities have been made aware of the serial cat killers for years but are cat haters themselves and will not stop the EPIDEMIC OF ANIMAL CRUELTY being waged upon these helpless cats.LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD FOR THE CATS.FORSYTHIA was killed while authorities were doing autopsie on her sister shown in the parent petition-Dandelion.There are many people in this community doing this because there is no law enforcement for cats.They have killed 24 cats in 6 months while Sheriff "can't find any evidence" Doughtie makes false press releases that there are no facts to support the petition-24 dead cats are 24 facts to support this action taken against him for not enforcing the animal cruelty laws.

WATCH THE DEATH TOLL CONTINUE TO RISE while authorities do nothing!


Gov. McCrory and Dare County Commissioners,

You have been continually informed about the SERIAL CAT KILLERS who are part of the animal killing cult on Hatteras Island,NC and yet you have done nothing to protect the cats from being shot,drowned,poisoned run over for fun etc. which goes on everyday here.Now your negligence is responsible for 3 more bruttal deaths.You have refused to enforce the Animal Cruelty Laws of NC which makes you responsible for the killings and damage to the lives of the people who care for the cats and try to help the animals.

Your negligence has now reached the criminal level of inaction to stop this and people want you to take reponsibility for your inaction and either stop the killings and prosecute the killers or resign and let somebody more competent do it.

Actualizar #4hace 10 años
Please everybody make sure you signed and send the parent petition-HATTERAS NC LIVE KITTENS THROWN IN THE AIR AND SHOT OTHERS DROWNED I was out of updates so I started new but that one is still going good.Every time I change the picture it is another cat who has died horribly during the petition.Make sure you also e-mail the authorities who let this go on.WE NEED MORE SIGNATURES ON BOTH-please help!
Actualizar #3hace 10 años
14th cat,Hansel Jr,now missing and 2 blocks over the food and water bowls were stolen for the 8th+9th time.Sheriff Doughtie hung up on me today for reporting the crimes because he does not believe taking the food and water from a "cat" is animal cruelty or that anyone is killing the cats.Let him know in an e-mail your opinion: doug.doughtie@darenc.com or 252-216-9898!Maybe you can explain it to him?
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
ANOTHER CAT DIES-A 13TH VICTIM OF THE SERIAL CAT KILLER-The new picture is of my cat that was killed while the Sheriff was berating me about complaining about the cats being killed.The 13th since HATTERAS NC LIVE KITTENS THROWN IN THE AIR AND SHOT started.Who on Gods green earth do I go to to make this stop?How many have to die?PLEASE FIGHT FOR THESE CAT'S LIVES!
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
I am adding to the petition that Forsythia,dandelions sister,was killed while authorities were doing the autopsy on Dandelion from HATTERAS NC LIVE KITTENS THROWN IN THE AIR AND SHOT OTHERS DROWNED.And she was also TIPPED AND HAS A CHIP.So what good did TNR do?Our community here is a serial cat killing community that promotes animal cruelty-how do you fight that?
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