Policeman in Pakistan Killed 80 Goats by dragging them in front of Train

A psychopath policeman is on the run to kill more animals. He must get arrested.

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In an act of revenge for supposedly high prices, a policeman led the cattle of an trader to railway tracks and released them, killing up to 50 of them as they were trampled underneath a train.

Policeman must be hanged to Death as he killed these innocent animals.

Link Of the News

Video Link in Urdu Language

Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Two policemen arrested. Police has registered case against five policemen including a police post in-charge who were involved in the incident that caused death of the animals of a cattle market during the Eidul Azha season.District Police Officer (DPO) Gujrat (city) Rai Zameerul Haq has told the media that two cops nominated in the FIR have been arrested and police was conducting raids for arrest of three other accused.
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