Ask Walmart to allow emergency announcements to save an animal

While visiting Walmart with shelter dogs up for adoption, it was discovered that a shopper had left a dog in a car with windows up in 90 degree heat.  Walmart refused animal shelter personnel requests to summon the dog owner.  Over an hour later the woman emerged having left her dog to suffer as she shopped in comfort.

Walmart could have allowed the summoning of the dog owner so the owner could be asked to roll down the car windows but Walmart refused.  An animal could have expired tragically.  Please ask Walmart to take a stand against animal cruelty and allow summoning of owners and/or reporting of animals left in vehicles.

Dear Walmart Leaders:

While visiting Walmart with shelter dogs up for adoption, it was discovered that a shopper had left a dog in a car with windows up in 90 degree heat.  Walmart refused animal shelter personnel requests to summon the dog owner.  Over an hour later the woman emerged having left her dog to suffer as she shopped in comfort.

As a dealer in pet supplies, your leadership in taking a stand against animal cruelty would be powerful.  Please allow the summoning of pet owners who have put their pets' lives in jeopardy.  Your support can mean the difference between life and death to innocent animals.  Thank you.

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