Urge Passage of New Hampshire Animal Cruelty Registry to Save Animals from Abuse

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: New Hampshire State Legislators

Although animal cruelty continues throughout New Hampshire, it seems that accountability and penalties are minimal.  Animal cruelty, abuse and neglect is a continual problem nationwide and the effort is to be their voice state-by-state, as we now encourage New Hampshire to implement an animal cruelty registry database. 

http://www.humanesociety.org/about/state/new_hampshire/?referrer=https://search.yahoo.com/ exemplifies some of the issues involving animal abuse and cruelty in New Hampshire. An animal cruelty registry should be formulated to be similar in stature to that of a child abuse or sex offender’s registry with serious implications.  Any person that is found guilty of any type of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect needs to be placed on this database, which is required to be updated on a regular basis.  Additionally, these abusers need to be banned from future pet ownership or ever working with or caring for them for a lifetime.  The database should then be shared with all breeders, shelters, pet shops and others in the pet industry as a mandatory resource.

http://www.truecrimereport.com/2010/03/albert_colburns_farm_among_the.php is an example of some of the animal abuse in New Hampshire, which is only one isolated case among others that meet with minimal accountability.  The effort of this petition is to encourage the New Hampshire State Legislator to implement an animal cruelty registry with strict enforcement that will be a vital tool in protecting animals that cannot otherwise protect themselves.  You can help with this effort by signing and sharing this petition, adding all your personal comments and thoughts on the issue.  Let us stand together for the health and welfare of all defenseless animals.

New Hampshire State Legislators – I strongly encourage you to implement an animal cruelty registry as a means to protect the defenseless.  An animal cruelty registry should be formulated to be similar in stature to that of a child abuse or sex offender’s registry with serious implications.  Any person that is found guilty of any type of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect needs to be placed on this database, which is required to be updated on a regular basis.  Additionally, these abusers need to be banned from future pet ownership or ever working with or caring for them for a lifetime.  The database should then be shared with all breeders, shelters, pet shops and others in the pet industry as a mandatory resource. This would be a crucial tool in protecting the defenseless animals without a voice and need you to take steps for their well-being.

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