Feral Cats are part of our world, they are here BECAUSE Humans befriended wild cats and started breeding them, some domestic cats became homeless and turned feral, there are feral cats everywhere in the world. They, and all homeless cats, deserve our compassion and care. Rescue & TNR is the RIGHT thing to do-NOT MURDER.
By Rescuing (Kittens) and trapping, neutering and returning (older kittens/adults) you help make them healthier, calmer and happier, it also controls the population HUMANELY. All life is connected- ALL LIFE. Universal Consciousness, Universal Compassion.
To view some rescues, both feral and domestic see facebook/dawn.cline.58
When we heal the animals we heal ourselves.
Actualizar #3hace 10 años
Thank you to everyone we have reached the 500 mark, hopefully now the care2 site will help promote! Keep sending to friends and twitter!
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Please remember to share, when we get to 500 care2 helps to promote, pls help me get there, the more we get the more chance of making a difference, I actually wanted 100,000 but cannot fix it, so please sign and pass on. One human and animal family, We are all EARTHLINGS on this planet. (That is a free informative documentary on youtube- Earthlings) watch to open your eyes to the real damage humans do t our fellow beings.
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Trying to update # of signature to 100,000 please sign, when we get to 500 they help promote