SeaWorld continues to abuse the dolphins and they have held captive. They have made lies to the public. They put the whales and dolphins in garage type pens when they are not performing.

If you have seen the movie "Blackfish" you know the brutality SeaWorld has done to the whales and dolphins. Mostly the abuse is emotional and mental.

Whales in nature swim over 100 miles a day and can dive pass 150 feet. Whales in captivity get to swim around in large chlorinated pools and can no lower than 50 feet in these pools.

Whales in captivity lived to be about 18 to 22 years. Whales in nature can live to be over 100!!!

In the film "Blackfish" you saw how sad it was to hear mother dolphins and whales cry helplessly as fisherman caught and stole their babies. No one was going to help. The shrieking of the animals was so heart-wrenching.

SeaWorld keeps a whale named Tilikum. Tilikum is responsible for three deaths of SeaWorld employees. SeaWorld has "spun" these deaths so the blame is put on the performers, not SeaWorld. The last trainer was an experienced trainer that had years of experience working with Tilikum.was Dawn Brancheau.

Dawn was crushed to death when Tilikum became frustrated. SeaWorld claims that Tilikum was attracted to Dawn's ponytail. What really happened was that Dawn ran out of fish.

Tilikum kept performing, expecting to get his reward (fish). Tilikum was becoming more agitated as he kept performing tricks. Tilikum had already been abused enough by being bullied by two female whales and other abuses.everyday. As Tilikum got more angry he jumped out of the water, grabbed Dawn, and pulled her down. When Tilikum came up Dawn was mostly in his mouth. Visitors that day (this did happen during a show) saw Dawn come up screaming, "I don't want to die!"

You can read part of Dawn's autopsy which described her death as being crushed to death. It reads all of the internal and external damage Dawn incurred.

SeaWorld still keeps Tilikum. He does not perform. He is held in a small pool. SeaWorld keeps him in a very small pen. SeaWorld keeps him so they can collect his sperm to bread whales in captivity.

Whales and dolphins who give birth have their calves taken away as soon as possible. The calves are sent to different parks. Whales and dolphin families live together for a very long time if not forever.

When these mother's babies are stolen they experience a deep depression (as human mothers would). One whale swam to a spot in the pool and just floated, a dolphin tried to kill herself. How would you feel if someone came in and took your child or children?

Many schools have canceled field trips to SeaWorld to protest their attitudes towards one of the most intelligent animals on this planet. Please do the same.
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