Charge woman severely who shot a mother dog while nursing her pups!!

  • al: SUE LEE
  • destinatario: Springtown, Texas, Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler and Law Enforcement

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get this animal abuser severely punished for shooting a mother dog in the head while her pups were still nursing, taking the crate of dead mom and pups and dumping it on the side of the road. What a horrifying sight to see these poor babies still nursing on their dead mom, all a bloody mess. Originally they did not know who could do such a thing until tips lead to the Texas woman who did this, and without any remorse! Please sign this petition and gain justice for the momma dog who was just doing what nature required of her; caring for her young babies.

In Parker County, Texas, an investigation was underway for the person who shot a mother dog while in her kennel nursing her puppies of about a week or two old. When photos circulated involving this 4-year old heeler-shepherd mix and the puppies, tips came in that led to the arrest of 44-year old Tammy Green Douglas.

She claims she got agitated with her dog so she shot her in the head with a 9mm handgun. She then took the cage and left it along the side of a road where a school bus driver witnessed it while on her route. The puppies were covered in their mother's blood when they were found.

What is more disturbing is that this woman claims she would do the same thing all over again and had no remorse for her actions in killing her dog, especially the mother of 10 puppies. One of the officers on the scene stated that “To a normal, caring human, this is an incomprehensible act. I can’t imagine what the suspect thought these puppies did in order to warrant her actions." He continued, “Parker County does not have an animal problem. We have a people problem. It’s hard to imagine that someone would be so cruel as to execute any animal. But to kill a dog with nursing babies and leave such a gory picture is beyond human imagination. Animal cruelty can never be justified.” However, this beast of a woman is out on a $3000 bond; not punishment enough for such a cruel act!!

Once rescued, the puppies are being cared for by the Angels & Outlaws Second Chance Bully Ranch until they are healthy and old enough to go up for adoption. Of the ten puppies, one of them died the next morning. The other nine are in good, healthy condition. Being so young, the concern was who would nurse the puppies and currently two mother pit bulls became their surrogates. A spokesperson for the organization stated that “So far the two surrogate momma dogs have accepted them. But it is still early so prayers are needed. We also need blankets, sheets, bottles and milk! And if anyone would like to help bottle feed these babies please let me know!!”

When officers found this poor momma dog, it was estimated that she was at least 15 pounds underweight and not well-cared for to begin with; then to be shot while doing what a mother does is incomprehensible! Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get this animal abuser severely punished for shooting a mother dog in the head while her pups were still nursing, taking the crate of dead mom and pups and dumping it on the side of the road. What a horrifying sight to see these poor babies still nursing on their dead mom, all a bloody mess. Originally they did not know who could do such a thing until tips lead to the Texas woman who did this, and without any remorse! Please sign this petition and gain justice for the momma dog who was just doing what nature required of her; caring for her young babies.


Springtown, Texas, Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler and Law Enforcement - I can't believe this woman is out on a measly $3000 bond for what she did! There has got to be something wrong with her; she did not even have remorse for her actions. Are you going to wait until she does it to another animal or even a human. She obviously has no conscience and someone like that is a danger to society! Please get her back in jail to face a lengthy sentence, more exuberant fines and ban her from being anywhere within inches of another animal for the rest of her life. Since she had no remorse, you should consider a psychological exam on her to see what makes her tick, please, before she escalates her behavior hurting others!

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