Everyone's support paid off and Mealy was brought home last night, 8-22-2014, to All Parrot Rescue. It will take a bit of time and constant care to bring her back into proper condition, but it will happen now.
Thank you again for all your support!
Petition for the Return of Mealy, a Mealy Amazon
Mealy is a beautiful, happy, friendly Amazon parrot that lived in foster care at All Parrot Rescue with Steve and Sonya Brewer for over two years. In January, 2014, there was much rejoicing when Cheri decided to adopt Mealy after coming to the rescue to meet the different birds. Mealy and Cheri hit it off, so it seemed like a match made in heaven. But that was not the case.
Only six months later, in July, 2014, Sonya received pictures of Mealy from Cheri that made her stop cold. Mealy was in horrible shape; her feathers looked bad, she seemed to have lost half her body weight, and worst of all, her beak was so overgrown and out of shape that she could not possibly eat. Sonya was devastated. Obviously something had to be done immediately.
When Cheri adopted Mealy a contract was signed stating that if the bird did not receive proper care, both medically and physically, All Parrot Rescue could reclaim the bird and bring it home.
"Adopter shall allow A.P.R Rescue the right to examine and make inquiry about this Bird at any reasonable time. Adopter shall return this Bird to A.P.R Rescue if A.P.R Rescue determines that this Bird is not receiving proper care." ...
"I as the adoptive parent will make sure all my birds in my care will have vet care and grooming every 6-8 weeks We can provided grooming here at our location or can refer a groomer. Ungroomed nails and beak will void this contract." ...
"If for any reason I cannot afford to get vet attention I understand it is my duty to notify APR . I also understand that it is possible that some circumstances may mandate that we are required to remove bird from your home permanently at such time you are unable to care for the birds medical needs."
Because of Mealy's condition, Sonya felt it was her duty to remove the bird for Cheri's care, and therefore on July 27, 2014, Sonya and Steve attempted to reclaim Mealy and bring her back into All Parrot Rescue's care. However, Cheri called the police and refused to relinquish Mealy to All Parrot Rescue. While Steve was holding Mealy, Cheri attempted to grab the bird from him and essentially choked the bird. After this attempt failed, Cheri laid down in the road in front of All Parrot Rescue's vehicle until the police and Animal Control arrived.
Because of Washington's laws, parrots in the State of Washington are considered property and not pets. Therefore, Animal Control and the police determined that Mealy was Cheri's property and could not legally be removed. Sonya and Steve had to return Mealy to Cheri's care. This poor starving bird was returned to a home where she will again be without necessary medical care, and where, most likely, Mealy will die because of malnutrition.
Also, because of allegations made by Cheri, Sonya and Steve Brewer are possibly facing robbery, theft and assault charges by the State of Washington. They are waiting to see if Cheri will follow through with this threat and convince the police to bring charges against the Brewers and All Parrot Rescue. All for trying to bring Mealy home and get her the proper medical care she needs and deserves.
This Petition is an attempt to bring Mealy home. Birds should not be considered property; they are pets, and should be afforded the same care and wellbeing as any dog or cat. Please sign this Petition so that we can show Animal Control that we care about this animal and want it to receive proper care; the type of care All Parrot Rescue can provide.
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