Petition to Encourage Willmar Poultry, Inc. to Halt its Cruel Hatchery Practices

Willmar Poultry, Inc. supplies at least 50% of the turkey to America's grocery stores and its President, Vice President, and the managers of its hatcheries need to know that we are aware of its cruel practices and that we encourage these cruel practices to cease.
Their treatment of the baby turkeys (poults) includes cutting their back toes off (without any anesthesia!), burning their beak tips off with a laser, leaving the babies that are too sick, deformed, or "not used that day" on the floor to suffer and die, before grinding them up, along with other cruel treatment. 
By making Willmar Poultry conscious that we are aware and disgusted with its "business practices," we can encourage President Merle Siestema, Vice President Rick Huisinga, and the managers of the hatcheries to find more humane and better alternatives.
While it doesn't end the practice altogether, it is at least a step in the right direction! 
To Willmar Poultry President Siestema, Vice President Huisinga, and the managers of Willmar Poultry Hatcheries,

     We the undersigned are writing to ask you to consider more humane alternatives to conducting your business at your hatcheries.  I'm sure you are well aware of the footage from the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) that has been displayed in the media.  While we are aware that you are not going to halt your business practices all together, we do hope that you will take the time and effort to developing methods of conducting your business in a better way than has been demonstrated by the video footage.  We know that it is your goal to provide superior quality poults and eggs, and we ask that you take that one step further by demonstrating that you care about your customer through the care you show the turkeys.  Your customers will appreciate the time that put into demonstrating humane treatment as will we.  Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  We hope that you will take this letter to heart.
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