Harsher Punishments for Animal Abusers and Killers.

We ask for harsher punishments for those who abuse, neglect and murder animals. Currently most animal abuse or even death cases result in a "slap on the wrist" or 6 months jail time usually time served. Is a innocent animals life worth only 6 months? 

It's a known fact that those who abuse, injure or kill animals are more likely to move onto humans. We ask that the punishment they get fits the crime, should an animals life be worth less than a humans? No. If they are punished harshly to begin with it may just stop re-offenders and those who may just be planning human victims next time. 

We ask that the punishment fits the crime, judged case by case depending on the level of neglect or abuse the animal endured. Causing the death of an animal should have the same punishment as causing the death of a human, 25 to life! 

We also ask that minors also face harsh punishment, the same as an adult for their crimes.

Please sign and help the animals win for a change. 

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