Seek Maximum Charges Pending Finding of Police Investigation In Horse Abuse

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Fayette County District Attorney's Office Jack R. Heneks, Jr

The laws in Tennessee regarding horse ownership and care is very clear and laid out when it comes to their care as stated at The number of animals a person can have depends on acreage and the amount of property available for healthy care.  The legality of proper care is even more precise as animal cruelty laws in the state are even more severe and strictly enforced.  However, in recent days, a raid in Moscow, Tennessee culminated where authorities found ten starving and severely dehydrated animals, including seven horses, two mules, and one mini-horse. 

The issue is not in the number of animals involved but the lack of care by whoever claimed to own them.  All the animals were removed from the Moscow property and are now being cared for at a shelter facility.  Most were barely clinging to life, are on IV fluids and one was so starved it may need a blood transfusion. They are now all being given food, medical treatment, and intensive 24 hour care until they are out of danger. The animals can then be transported to another facility in Tennessee for long-term rehabilitation and sheltering.

Thanks to those of the American Humane Association's Red Star program, these animals now have another chance in life.  However, we are urging authorities to do a thorough investigation into who could have allowed these animals to get into such a deplorable condition. We are asking that charges be implemented pending the finding of the police investigation to make the alleged abusers held accountable.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  We need to be a voice for these animals and gain them justice!

Fayette County District Attorney's Office Jack R. Heneks, Jr – We urge you to conduct a thorough investigation into the animal cruelty case in Moscow, Tennessee.  You need to implement the maximum charges for felony animal cruelty for each animal involved pending your investigation.  Be a voice for those animals and ensure that someone is held accountable.

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