Urge the New Zealand Government to Save the Yellow-eyed Penguin from Extinction

  • al: Georgia B
  • destinatario: New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English

New Zealand's iconic yellow-eyed penguin could face extinction within 25 years, according to a report in independent.co.uk

Scientists argue that unless immediate measures are taken to stop the decline the species will die out. The report states: "Once-busy breeding grounds are now “overgrown and silent” with just a few pairs trying to carry on as birds are caught in fishing nets, are killed by unidentified toxins in the sea and suffer because of the general degradation of the marine environment by humans."

"Global warming is also thought to be playing a part in the animal’s demise, according for about a third of the population decline."

The New Zealand Government must undertake immediate conservation measures to save the penguin. Actions could include the revision of fishing practices, feral pest management, habitat protection and the reduction of fossil fuel dependency.
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