Justice for Piglets beaten to death at house of horrors factory farm.

  • al: Derek Richardson
  • destinatario: Wildlife welfare group Deutsche Tierschutzbur

Animal activists are calling for the farm to be closed down after hidden cameras revealed animals were being grasped by their hind legs and flung on the ground.
Shocking footage has revealed the brutal treatment of piglets at a farm as workers smash them to death on a concrete floor.
The hidden cameras set up in a German factory farm captured the animals being grasped by their hind legs before being thrown to the ground.
Disturbingly the crack of their skulls hitting the hard floor can be heard echoing throughout the barn.
The video recorded at least 15 incidents of gruesome death and torture in just a single day.

Link Address: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/piglets-beaten-death-concrete-floor-12199250

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