Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for Pierre Dulaine

  • al: Reg Challinor
  • destinatario: Members of national assemblies and governments of states • Members of international courts • University rectors; professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology; directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes

Pierre Dulaine is continually working to bring together young peoples in conflict and young people from under privilege background.

His latest completed project was Dancing In Jaffa which not only teaches Jewish and Palestinian children not just to dance but to dance together. Recent events in that part of the world are well known and undertake this project and make it a success that continues to this day. He has also brought together protestant and catholic children in Ireland in a similar project to Dancing in Jaffa.

He is also the Founder of Dancing Classrooms teaching young people from difficult backgrounds. Dancing Classrooms started in New York and now operates throughout the USA and many other parts of the World.

Pierre Dulaine is a Ballroom Dancer born in Jaffa, relocated to the UK Midlands and now residing in New York.

He has three films to his credit, Mad Hot Ballroom a Dancing Classrooms documentary, Take The Lead Starring Antonio Banderas a film about Pierre Dulaine and Dancing Classrooms. His recent film is Dancing in Jaffa shown in various countries of the world and just arriving in the UK.

Actualizar #3hace 9 años
Here are the statics for Nobel Peace Prize nominations for 2015.

Nominations for the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has received 276 candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2015. 49 of these are organizations, and 227 are persons.

276 is the second highest number of candidates ever. The record, 278 candidates, was set in 2014.
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
People from more than 50 Countries have signed the petition. We need to get to 2000 signatures. If you have not yet signed please do it NOW. Please share and help us to get to 4000 shares.
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Thank you everyone for signing. We have 598 but still need more. Please share information about the petition with everyone you know. Pierre has said that he wants this for the children not for himself.
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