Ban the indiscriminate import of reindeer for profit

We demand that DEFRA introduce a ban on the indiscriminate import and sale of reindeer as pets or as a business opportunity. For years it has been known that the only suitable habitat and lifestyle for these specialist arctic deer in the UK is in the Cairngorms area of Scotland. Despite this, it is still possible for anyone to buy a couple of reindeer from dealers, with no subsequent control over where and how they are kept, resulting in many avoidable cases of suffering, illness and death. This trend has been well documented by specialist vets, as in a  recent article by Alex McSloy for the 'In Practice' journal.

In many cases the buyer remains ignorant as to the specialist needs of these animals – they are sold as ‘easy to keep’. It is imperative that no-one should be able to import reindeer except in exceptional cases, as, whilst there is money to be made, or people are seduced into thinking that they can have their very own reindeer, dealers and some buyers will not give much thought as to the welfare of the animals.

You can also contact DEFRA via their website, or contact your own MP.

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