Restore Deacon Steve Yusko’s Preaching

Ever since the removal of our former Pastor, in June of 2018 from the Church of St. Joseph, Babylon, Bishop John Barres of the Diocese of Rockville Centre has silenced Deacon Stephen Yusko. Deacon Steve is a respected ordained Permanent Deacon, but our Bishop has chosen to punish Deacon Steve and the people of St. Joseph's by sanctioning Deacon Steve for speaking out on injustice and unethical behavior. The bishop has barred Deacon Steve from preaching at Sunday Mass, even though he has maintained his faculties to preach at Weddings, Funerals, Wakes and Baptisms. Deacon Steve has a strong connection with our parish and has excellent preaching skills, and has defended Church teaching and the truths of our Catholic faith. He has made a positive impact in our faith community since his ordination in 2017. Please sign this petition so this travesty can be corrected. This petition will be delivered to the Bishop by November 15th so time is of the essence.

Actualizar #5hace 5 años
Two days left. I warmly thank all who have supported my husband. Today is a special day that may determine Steve's ministry. We fully trust in God, that even during a time of pain and turmoil this day could be a launching pad for clarity on his call to ministry. We ask for your continued prayers.
Actualizar #4hace 5 años
My intention was to bring attention to an injustice. It appears that hate speech comments are unavoidable. I am sorry this petition has opened wounds. For those with an honest view, you may now have a glimpse of what our parish endured by a few misguided followers who flocked to St. Joseph's. My prayers are for those who use scripture to divide. An honest dialog needs to take place.
Actualizar #3hace 5 años
Spead the seeds of support! I am so happy for all the kind words of support for my husband. Please use social media, phone calls, letters, emails, tweets to reach other parish members. This petition is important to let the Bishop know the affect his decision has on our faith community. But most importantly we must petition the Lord with our prayers. Our family believes in the power of pray. The past is behind us and we need to move forward. Steve's full restoration can help us get there!
Actualizar #2hace 5 años
Once again thank you for supporting Deacon Steve. Unfortunately, nay-sayers exist. It is understandable, they do not embrace the truth of what happened at St. Joseph's. As a parish we are on track as we continue to pray for healing & a path to move forward. Steve was brave, followed the chain of command in reporting behavior which deeply damaged many people & drove them away from our parish & the Catholic Church. He spoke the truth about unchecked power & chicanery. Please share this petition.
Actualizar #1hace 5 años
I want to thank everyone for their support of my husband Steve. He was meant to serve the Church and all of us who are The Body Of Christ. Please share this petition via email and the various social media platforms. Steve is aware that the Diocese is watching his social media activity, so I have no doubt RVC will have a strong message delivered. Please keep Steve and our family of parishioners in your prayers. Steve is overwhelmed by your support.
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