Officer John Cavanna, while off-duty, recorded his personal dog (who happens to be a pit bull) mauling and killing an injured deer. The killing of this deer is horrendous in every sense of the word. Everyone who was shown the video, from humane organization staff to seasoned hunters, all agree that this act was against the law and senseless. In fact, the executive director of the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen who watched the video said the action was definitely illegal and went against all ethics.
Yet, Officer Cavanna will not be facing any consequences or disciplinary actions. Why? Because he knew enough not to release the video until after the statute of limitations expired and he knew he could not be charged. The Hartford Police Department refused to take any action against Officer Cavanna citing that what he did was not a violation of the HPD code of conduct. If this doesn’t violate their code of ethics, what does? Police officers must be held to a higher standard, and certainly not compared to those of a criminal dog fighter. We do not need officers like him “protecting” our community and bringing blight to the hard-working police officers already trying to fight a negative image.
Please send a strong message to the Hartford Police Chief that police are NOT above the law and that there is no statute of limitation on ethics and morality!
Hartford Police Department Police Chief James Rovella
Although the statute of limitation may have passed, Officer Cavanna broke the law, plain and simple. As such, there needs to be consequences to his egregious actions of allowing his dog to maul and kill a deer. Please show the nation that police are not above the law and immediately terminate Officer Cavanna from the force.