Demand HKSPCA to give suitable medical treatment to those animals in needs!

  • al: warriors of animal
  • destinatario: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong) and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong) , Manager Ms Rebecca Ngan and Ms Judy Wan

A Peking dog had fell into the well on 9 March 2015 and a passerby had reported to Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong),(Abbreviation :HKSPCA). HKSPCA rescued the dog but they did not provide suitable medical treatment to the dog and rejected people who wanted to help the dog. One week later, the dog was sent to Hong Kong animal control department and was euthanized.

Hong Kong people donate to HKSPCA, but HKSPCA always euthanize the animals directly or indirectly. We demand and urge HKSPCA to respect animal's lives , giving them survival opportunities in instead of putting down the animals!

Rest in peace, poor dog............

A Peking dog had fell into the well on 9 March 2015 and a passerby had reported to of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong),(Abbreviation :HKSPCA). HKSPCA rescued the dog but they did not provide suitable medical treatment to the dog and rejected people who wanted to help the dog. One week later, the dog was sent to Hong Kong animal control department and was euthanized .


Hong Kong people donate to HKSPCA, but HKSPCA continuous euthanize the animals directly or indirectly. We demand and urge HKSPCA to respect animal's lives , giving them survival opportunities in instead of putting down the animals!


Rest in peace, poor dog............

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