Stop Trophy Hunting In South Africa
- al: Beth Boggs
- destinatario: Fred Camphor, President of SAHGCA / Joseph H. Hosmer, SCI Foundation President
Every year thousands of animals are killed in South Africa for fun and pure entertainment. Im asking to completely ban trophy hunting in South Africa to protect and save these animals in the wild. Trophy hunting, according to Google, is, “the selective hunting of wild game animals. Although parts of the slain animal may be kept as a hunting trophy or memorial (usually the skin, antlers and/or head), the carcass itself is sometimes used as food.” These animals can include lions, zebras, rhinos, giraffes, elephants, hippos, leopards, and many more innocent animals. These animals used to be used for food for villages, but now it is purely for fun.32,000 lions are left in the wild, which means that they could be facing extinction, according to scientist at Duke University. 600 lions are killed every year through trophy hunting which is diminishing the animal profusely. Lions are just one of the many animals that are at risk. Wild claims have been made that the trophy hunting going on in South Africa contributes to the financial stability of the local communities. There is no proof to this claim.
There are killing contests that are held which compete for killing one of the “Big Five” which are considered the most dangerous and difficult animals to catch. These animals are lions, elephants, rhinos, buffalos, and leopards. According to In Defense Of Animals, an International animal rights and rescue organization, “There are 29 awards in all, and in order to win all of them, at the highest level, a hunter would have to kill 322 animals of different species or subspecies.”
Lions are the only animals that are still allowed to be transported back to the US after being killed in a trophy hunt. The lion is one of the only threatened animals that is not listed on the Endangered Species list to preserve and protect that sweet Big Cat.
This issue needs to come to an end and we need support to get through to these people that this is not okay. I am asking for a complete ban of trophy hunting in South Africa to save and protect all of the animals varying in size and weight. Not only is it hurting wildlife, but there is nothing positive resulting from the trophy hunting for South Africa. If this does not stop our future generations may not even know what a lion is or what a elephant is. If these animals continue to be killed the main source of the money coming into South Africa, which is tourism, will be hard to obtain because what the majority of tourists come to see will be extinct. Help save these animals with me so our future would can witness all the amazing animals that were put on this planet.
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