Justice for Tazi

  • al: Svetlana Edge
  • destinatario: Chief Lawrence Battiste, Mobile Police Department, Mayor Stimpson of Mobile, AL

D Todd Grier.

City of Mobile. Alabama. Abandoned by his owner, he slowly starved and died at the end of his chain. Alone. He suffered through a hot summer, no food or water, and died August/Semptember, 2019. I found his remains on October 17, 2019, because I smelled him.
The photo of him alive was taken in April 2019, shortly before a visit to the property by animal control. The property owner was contacted by animal control. The owner explained that the dogs were left at this empty property as guard dogs. And that was OK.
The photo of him alive was taken by a teacher who worked at the middle school NEXT DOOR to this house. That's right...teachers and parents drove past this dog, chained in the side yard, viewable from the street that leads to the school. Children walked past this yard on their way to school. Only one teacher spoke for him. She made numerous complaints to animal control and has written documentation of their contact with the dog owner. We know his name.
I responded to her FaceBook post in October, went to the address she gave me, and called the police to investigate the source of the death smell. The police searched the empty houses and yards and found nothing. But, another chained and emaciated dog was removed from the property.
A few days later, I returned to the property when the teacher contacted me to say her students told her they saw a dead dog under the house.
As far as we know, no action was taken against the dog owner. The investigating officer stopped returning my calls about this case.
Send emails to Chief Lawrence Battiste, Mobile Police Department, c/o zirlottk@cityofmobile.org Reference- Tazi, deceased dog 10/12/2019 at 2462 Richardson Street, Mobile, AL
Immediately upon finding Tazi under the house at 2462 Richardson street, an email was sent to Mayor Stimpson of Mobile, AL, informing him of the failure of animal control to prevent the neglect and death of dogs on this property. Animal control has the name and contact information of the owner.
Mayor Stimpson's office referred our email to the Chief of police, Lawrence Battiste. We cornered the Chief at a town hall meeting a month later and demanded justice for Tazi. The Chief said it was an animal control problem and he admonished my friend speaking to him for being too emotional.
The director of animal control, (since then has been replaced), responded to my email and let me know the case was turned over to an investigator. The investigator contacted me for more information, then stopped communicating with me. My texts and emails have gone unanswered since January 2020.
We want justice for Tazi, this is the anniversary of my discovery of his body. The Mobile Police Department has the owner's identification and contact information.
I want to know what action was taken against the owner, if any.
The mayor's email- mayorstimpson@cityofmobile.org


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