He Killed a Little Boy's Pet Dog in Front of Him, Boiling It to Death in Hot Oil

A heartbroken 11-year-old boy in Mexico recently lost his beloved dog to a horrific act of violence. Little Roberto was out with his mother and his dog Scooby near a shopping district. Suddenly, an enraged police officer allegedly attacked a merchant. Then he rushed into the street, grabbed Scooby, and threw him into a nearby pot of boiling oil, murdering the dog in the most gruesome way possible.

Sign the petition to demand justice for Scooby and his owner!

Authorities report that this man, a state police officer, initiated an argument with a local butcher, "verbally assaulted the shop owner," pulled out a knife and threatened him, then left. At that point, he apparently searched for any innocent being he could find to take out his rage. Looking into the street, he spotted helpless little Scooby the dog.

That's when he allegedly picked up the little animal and hurled him into a food vendor's pot of boiling cooking oil. The traumatized little boy watched as officials removed his beloved companion's corpse from the oil afterwards.

Young Roberto has spoken to reporters, saying: "What I want is justice for Scooby."

Witnesses took video of the incident and spread the news of this callous cruelty online. Authorities have arrested the man and charged him with animal cruelty as well as attempted murder. The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has also spoken out, saying: "It is crucial to raise awareness that such acts should never occur and must not be tolerated."

It's encouraging to see that authorities have apprehended and charged his violent abuser, but we must make sure they follow through on this case. Since the suspect is a uniformed police officer himself, we must make sure he does not get special treatment or get away with his crimes!

Sign the petition to stand with Roberto, and demand justice for Scooby the dog!
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