Improve Animal Rights in Quebec

     Let me start off by saying that Quebec is known as the puppy mill capitol in Canada, with a whopping amount of roughly 2000 puppy mills around the province. A puppy mill is an institution whose goal is to breed dogs to sell to pet stores with the goal of maximizing profit. This means the numerous dogs at these institutions are neglected throughout their lives there. They spend about all day locked up in cages stacked with the cages of other dogs. These cages often reek of urine and feces as they are forced to urinate inside their cages.  Now imagine that with multiple dogs in a cage and dozens of cages in a single room. When a dog no longer can breed, they are normally 'put down.' Seeing the problem?

     The reason there are so many puppy mills in Quebec is that they can only be prosecuted for the theft and willful neglect of an animal. Most Laws concerning animal rights in the province were imposed around the 19th century, things have changed considerably since then. So with the absence of many laws you'd think would be common place, there is no limit to how long an animal can be tethered, socializing of animals for their well being is not required, and jail time cannot be served. Even for repeated counts of animal abuse!

     You can help change this by simply supporting this petition by giving your name, and other information required. This is an ongoing problem that you can help solve by giving a minute of your time. These animals deserve to be treated with some sort of humane respect. 

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