Stop buying dogs from puppy mills. The are kept just for breeding. They are housed in small cages where there is not room to move around. And after they have so many litters, they are discarded like trash. Please sign so we can stop this abuse. Adopted pets make the bestest friends a person could ask for. It's like an adopted child, they are very thankful for a loving home and family. They give the best love. Take a long hard look at this information:
Do you really want to support this? 

Actualizar #2hace 11 años
Thanks for all who have signed this petition. But we are a long way from our goal. Please pass this along every where you can think of. We need to put these monsters out of business. Thanks
Actualizar #1hace 11 años
Thank you for signing my petition against Puppy Mills. I still need help in getting more people to sign. Please pass this on to all of your friends so we can put a stop to this. With so many animals that need homes, why are we still buying from pet shops and breeders? Adopted pets are the best because they pretty much pick us to be their families. And they give the best love. Many hugs to all of you. Keep signing the petitions and making a difference in the world.
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