Stop Mass Badger Killing

"A badger cull, or kill, has been announced for two English counties: Gloucestershire and Somerset. The cull is set to happen soon and the kill numbers are heartbreaking. A total of 1,876 badgers will die, between 615 and 1,091 in Gloucestershire, and between 316 and 785 in Somerset. Killing mass numbers of any species without a full, proper diagnostics of any possible repercussion is foolhardy, as this intense drop in numbers will surely have a negative affect on the ecosystems involved.

While European badgers’ conservation status is listed as “least concern,” this is by no means reason to kill a mass number of the species. In some areas of Europe, the badger is extremely plentiful, which affects surrounding ecosystems. However, this is not the fault of the species. Lack of predators and forced habitat concentration due to habitat loss in other areas are the result of human interference. As is unfortunately the case with many unbalanced ecosystems, humans are the majority cause of the badgers’ plight. A study of properly balancing the ecosystem naturally would be greatly beneficial for Europe and its badgers.

Urge the British Environment Minister, whom has greatest control over the badgers’ fate, to reconsider the mass badger cull in favor of a natural approach. Getting rid of the problem immediately by killing the badgers will only temporarily solve Europe’s badger population problem. Intensive study of the creatures and their habitats in order to better control numbers, utilizing natural predators and respect for their habitats, will undoubtedly prove to be successful long-term. Compassion, understanding and respect should always trump murder."

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