demand an end to the torturing that leg traps cause to animals

We the undersigned hereby affirm leg traps against animals to be Illegal. Animals everyday are being trapped by leg traps in the forest for weeks without food, water or comfort. Animals are left trapped for weeks until the trapper comes to get them. Animals are starving, thirsty and away from their families for at least a week before they are sentenced to death. Some animals chew off their limbs just to get out of the traps to go back to their families and get food and water.

It is mortifying what living creatures have to go through just so humans can have an easy way to animal fur or food. Humans can do the extra work to assure that animals wont have to suffer through leg traps. Leg traps are an extreme issue regarding the well being of animals and to assure their comfort it is essential to make leg traps illegal.
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