Impeach Donald Trump and Pam Bondi for their blatantly corrupt deal with NYC’s criminal mayor!

There truly is no bottom when it comes to the staggering corruption of the Trump administration. It's now come to light that Donald Trump's attorney general, Pam Bondi, has made a wildly unethical quid pro quo with New York City's embattled Mayor Eric Adams to drop the corruption charges against him in exchange for NYC's supporting Trump's deportation efforts.

At the time of this writing, seven top US law enforcement officials have resigned rather than allow a indisputably guilty mayor to bribe his way out of having to face charges for his many, many crimes.

Impeach Trump and Pam Bondi!

"No system of ordered liberty can allow the Government to use the carrot of dismissing charges, or the stick of threatening to bring them again, to induce an elected official to support its policy objectives" writes lead prosecutor Hagan Scotten in his resignation letter.

This is a gargantuan scandal that rivals Watergate in the sheer depths of its moral, legal, and ethical degeneracy. We cannot allow the president to use law enforcement as a bribe and influence purchasing machine.

Impeach Donald Trump and Pam Bondi for their blatantly corrupt deal with NYC's criminal mayor!

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