The Trump campaign doesn't have any good news about its candidate – the economy is tanked, over 220,000 Americans are dead, and Trump's personality is repulsive to half of his own supporters, who hang on either for the corporate tax relief or the anti-abortion judges. Trump has taken to begging suburban housewives to come back to him.
So what to campaign on? Well, emails (coupled with violent white supremacy) worked in 2016. So emails (coupled with violent white supremacy) are the plan again!
Trump's folks – Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon – have coordinated with The New York Post to release an unverified story about Joe Biden's son, Hunter, headlined "BIDEN SECRET EMAILS." It's so factless that many of the contributing writers refused to put their names on it.
Sign here to tell media companies to drop Trump's factless Hunter Biden story. Lies are not news.
Two Republican-led Senate committees have already failed to produce any evidence of wrongdoing between Joe and Hunter Biden. The story is utter garbage – the latest push in over a year of a Russian smear campaign against the Bidens – and media companies who repeat it are partaking in unfettered libel.
Add your name to demand media companies stop spreading Russian lies about Hunter Biden.