Demand that no form of hunting with dogs be re-astablished by this conservative government!

We are shocked if a child is mauled by a dog; quite rightly so, but it is the same for foxes (and cubs)and other animals hunted by dogs. It's barbaric and very last century. They feel pain and suffering in the same way that we do. These people clearly hunt for the fun of a kill and not to keep population down. Please don't let this government bring back any form of hunting with dogs?

Next week the MP's vote whether to bring this barbaric sport back. Please hurry and sign. Thank you.

Dear Mr. Cameron,

When a child is severely mauled by a dog, we put hand to mouth in shock and horror and the dog is destroyed.  Foxes and any other animal mauled and killed by dogs will endure the same fear, pain and suffering as a human child.

This is barbaric and is only for sport.  It is so last century and shouldn't be re-instated in any form.

Put yourself or your children in the foxes,deer, hare ect position. Imagine the fear and the thought of an horrifice end, by being torn apart. One single fox, against a huge pack of dogs and hungry for blood; men and women on horse back. This is just a sport and nothing more.

It is so easy for you to sit in office and pass judgement, as it won't be you who feels the pain or suffering and you won't have to stand by watching as your parents or children are savaged to death.

Some complain about foxes being a nuisance, but remember...Man destroyed their habitat to build their own. So they are not on our terrortory, but we are on theirs. Their boundaries haven't changed.

Foxes do not destroy, like the hunt itself. These people think it's ok to ruin the countryside, by knocking down hedging, entering private land and think of nothing but what they're hunting down. peoples pets have been killed in the past and they didn't care. It's sickening! It's wrong! It's so last century!

You are only thinking about what you want, not the people! You were not put in power for this!

Life is a life and it is precious, who ever you are!

Please do not bring back anyform of hunting with dogs?

Actualizar #2hace 9 años
VICTORY! The SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon has opposed tomorrows vote, saying that David Cameron is not the master of all he surveys.

The vote has been delayed, but as Brian May said 'We have won the battle, but not the war'.

Thank you everyone. Every signature counted.
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Thank you for those who have already signed this very important and possible life saving petition.

We are in desperate need for more signatures,please share on social media and send to friends.

We have until 15th July, then the talks in parliament open. This government wants to bring in laws that any amount of dogs can be used in a hunt.

All those dogs and hungry for blood humans on horses,very intimidating for anyone, never mind a foxes or even their cubs.

Thanks again x
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