Tell cricket legend Glen McGrath to give up killing elephants & other animals for fun permanently

Australian cricket legend Glen McGrath has been exposed as an elephant killer after photos of him posing with the trophies of dead animals appeared on social media.

The photos show McGrath dressed in safari clothing posing with a dead elephant, a dead buffalo, dead hyenas, elephant tusks and a buffalo skull.

There is nothing sportsman-like about stalking a defenceless animal with a gun and then killing it for pleasure.

McGrath now seems to realise this after the photos surfaced in the media – having since said he regrets taking part in the now-infamous hunting safari in Zimbabwe.

McGrath has said in his defence that he was going through a difficult time following the death of his wife from breast cancer.

As part of his apology and as a way of setting an example to his fans – we ask that Glen McGrath hang up his hunting gun forever.

We also ask that he donates to a charity that assists with African wildlife conservation - such as the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, which helps baby elephants that have been orphaned:

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