Remove endangered tiger cub "Crystal" from Tigre de Cristal entertainment immediately!

  • al: Samantha Hartery
  • destinatario: Vladimir Putin, President of Russia; Lawrence Ho, CEO of Melco Crown Entertainment; Craig Ballantyne, ED at G1 Entertainment, LLC

A 5-month old endangered Siberian tiger cub was recently purchased and transported 5,000 miles for no other reason than providing entertainment to gamblers at a casino in Russia.

On opening night, the cub named "Crystal" was sedated and paraded around the busy casino. For the rest of her days, she will live at a nearby zoo while being "on call" for events at the casino.

This is outrageous and unacceptable and will not be tolerated. 

Please sign and share to give her a better life!

For more information and images of Crystal, see this article in the Siberian Times.

We stand united to implore you to remove Crystal from all activities relating to Tigre de Cristal casino and place her in a wildlife sanctuary where she can live the life she was meant to live. 

Animals are not here for our entertainment. 

Giving Crystal a better life will not affect your profits. The world with applaud your compassion.

Actualizar #4hace 3 años
Thank you to all who have shared and signed! If you haven't already, please consider signing my petition demanding animal welfare legislation in Russia here:
Actualizar #3hace 8 años
Our cub remains at a zoo in Russia; This is heartbreaking considering animal welfare standards there.

Please join me in demanding that captive animals in Russia receive basic medical care, enough space to move, and adequate nutrition. Bring light to the issue by signing here:

Thank you for all you continue to do to make the world a better place for animals!
Actualizar #2hace 9 años
Wow, you folks are amazing! We've reached 187,381 signatures and have 84,358 Facebook shares! Your compassion gives me hope.

Next week, I will be reaching out to Melco Crown Entertainment, Tigre de Cristal casino, and the Russian government. Surely we will get their attention with this amount of signatures.

I will keep you all posted on any response(s) I receive, and any updates on the cub.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and Happy 2016!
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Thank you for helping us reach nearly 50,000 signatures (and counting)!

There is still a BIG chance that we can keep her out of casino events if we continue to send the message to the casino that this will not be tolerated.

Please consider sending a message directly to the casino through email or social media:

T: @TigreDeCristal

Let's keep the pressure on. We'll make this happen!
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