Achieve Real "Gun" Control!
Demand Congress FOCUS ON EFFECTIVE LANGUAGE to avoid the heretofore vagaries which precipitate backlash from legitimate users and firearms industry lobbies!
Imagine you are a rural resident. In an environment with little or no amusement, hunting and fishing are the primary outlet, and for food supplementation as well. So when talk of firearms restrictions comes up, an instinctual negative reaction arises. Consequently the need for focus on an effective solution. Heretofore so-called "gun control" legislation has been so inept in its wording as to cause hostility in the firearms enthusiast-industry community. Yet too-easy access to firearms is the chief cause for our nation's out of control gun deaths. Therefore we must implement the most effective means to effectively restrict this access -- effectively-worded legislation. This means vague words like "gun" have proved self defeating.
Instead demand Congress adopt the following draft legislative provision: any person not a current front-line military or law enforcement employee shall not be entitled to possession of any "combat weapon". "Combat" is defined as that for which its purpose is to kill or injure human beings, e.g. switchblade, or butterfly knives, daggers, swords, crossbows, pistols, and/or semiautomatic military-style rifles. Sporting weapons, e.g. hunting knives, longbows and arrows, and any sporting-style rifle are specifically exempted.
This wording preempts notions of "they're taking away our guns" by user/industry/lobbyist constituents.
Fiream death rates are far higher in the US than in other developed countries:,0.01%20in%20the%20United%20Kingdom.&text=The%20National%20Academy%20of%20Sciences,on%20the%20following%20four%20steps:&text=Define%20and%20monitor%20the%20problem,effective%20and%20impactful%20they%20are
Since 2020 gun-related deaths have been the leading cause of death in children and adolescents:,Gun%20violence%20is%20a%20major%20public%20health%20problem,leading%20cause%20of%20premature%20death
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