HOWL FOR WOLVES Keep them protected

  • al: Jamie Allison
  • destinatario: The Secretary of Interior, USFW, Obama Administration

Wolves all across the United States of America are facing their greatest threat. Delisting of wolves across the nation!! Were running out of time Please sign and share 


 Since the delisting of the gray wolf in the northern Rocky Mountains Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming and also The greater Lakes region. Wolves have  been under fire they are hunted relentlessly, population declines and hunting threatens the longterm recovery of the Gray Wolf.

 U.S fish and wildlife and new Secretary of the Interior are proposing  to delist wolves nationwide  the wolf is not a recovered species. Only about 5% of its native range has the wolf come back from near to complete erradication. The USFW claim the wolf is recovered. Dan Ash director of USFW decided the wolf in Wyoming was recovered to delist them.  He now wants to Delist the wolf across the nation.

Where I live there are wolves in the northern area of the state but only a mere 65 to 70 wolves.... This state has taken measures to prevent livestock depredation  by non lethal detterants and it works!!  I am outraged and saddened by the news of wolves being hunted trapped, snared, pups in dens being gassed, and killed for sport to please some hunters ego...

 Wolves are facing nationwide delisting even the rare and highly endangered Mexican gray wolf known as the Lobos with about 70 or less remaining in the wild. The wolf once ranged as far to Mexico the lower 48 but was erradicated  in the early 1800's... The few remaining wolves in Yellow Stone National Park about 90 are jeopordy, even lured out of the protection of the park and killed, wolves outside of Yellowstone are hunted relentlessly.  There population has dropped dramatically in 2012 an estimated 343 wolves that has been cut in half to a low of about 170 plus 80% of Wyoming known as predator zone wolves can be hunted without a limit and without a liscence.


Over 1000 wolves have been killed in the 2011-2013 years.. Enough is Enough!!!

The wolves need our protection our voices need to be heard. Wolves are essential  they're a key component in a healthy ecosystem. The  age old battle between rancher and wolf continues.. But we are not in the old west days there are methods to prevent predators and livestock conflict.. And what these ranchers fail to recognize often they get land allotments in the territories of wolves and they dont take preventative measures. So should the wolf pay for something he is doing thats natural... surviving.

  Wolves deserve there place in this world to live free from the threat of man.


Soo many of us that fight for wolves go unheard or we're heard just ignored. We need to make ourselves heard for the wolves.  

Please write and call your state represantatives, email the secretary of Intereior  please share

 To the decision makers and all  I suggest an excellant documentary
" Lobo the wolf that changed America" I want to extend a special tribute to Seton the man who told his story and paved the way for the protection of Americas wild. And special Thank You to Doug Smith a wildlife biologists that over saw and participated in the return of the wolf in Yellow Stone National Park. Also "Living With Wolves" Jim and Jamie Dutcher Who helped with the return of wolves in Idaho






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