Stop Exporting Greyhounds to Countries With Poor Animal Welfare Records
- al: Rob B
- destinatario: Australian Department of Agriculture
Earlier this year 70 Australian greyhounds were packed up and dubiously shipped off to China. The dogs endured terrible conditions. They were kept in individual dark concrete enclosures in extreme heat where they languished until it was their turn to once again hit the track. Only this time they wouldn’t be racing against other dogs, but rather a cheetah in a race that was to decide who was the “fastest in the animal kingdom.”
The news made headlines and Australians and others were outraged that their dogs were being shipped to a nation where animal welfare has typically been an afterthought. Since then steps have been taken to protect other greyhounds from being sent to countries with less than stellar records when it comes to the treatment of animals.
Recently Greyhound Racing NSW - the governing body for greyhound races in New South Wales - announced they will introduce rules to prohibit the export of canines to “cruel and degrading conditions.”
But these rules are just a salve, NSW is only one of several states with dog racing. And lack of federal regulations on dogs exports means that this the Greyhound Racing NSW’s rule will likely not protect all dogs from being sent to destinations with serious animal cruelty concerns. The only way to do so is for the federal government to stop issuing export permits altogether.
Australia has a responsibility to protect its dogs from animal abuse whether in New South Wales, Canberra or abroad. Currently, that is not happening. But we can change that. Please add your name to the list and ask the Australian Department of Agriculture to stop issuing export permits for Australia’s racing dogs.
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