Stop Rental Refusals demanding Income 3times the rent

    I have a voucher to prevent stalking and my disability where I pay 30 Percent of the rent For example on a 1400 apartment I pay 400 dollars. I need this to get an apartment that has a garage for a transportation and a swimming pool for exercise a in unit washer and dryer because of my bad back I cannot carry a laundry basket 馃Ш and to have a porch to have fresh air I have hyplexia. In the middle of the night 馃寖 I awaken and need fresh air. I need no carpets due to the fibers and collect of debris I need tile floors. I am refused an apartment by three places The Venue where I would have year round access to a pool and Residences at Clarkson and Autumn Woods in Brockport NY I wish to stay in Brockport NY to finish my bachelor's degree. The requirements for rental per Hud based on Roosevelt Era is unfair. Example I make 18,000 and the requirements are 30k plus to rent the apartments but the rents would be 400 to 500 with voucher. I am told if I had a cosigner I am an orphan..abused by my custodial they are committed 馃ぅ fraud 馃摤馃ぅ So the Voucher from Hud is only allowable to poor applicants who have Wealthy Parents and/or boyfriend a cosigner who meets financial to meet rent requirement I tried cosigner companies they will not help me either I can't have custodial cosign this gives them same rights as if they paid rent and they are my abusers I have complaints in with DCR but the process is slow and I will be evicted before DCR does anything if they do. They have to know this exists. My thoughts they know and this is what they want. complaints slow duh 馃檮馃挴
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