Make Terra Nova the first Direct to Online Show.

  • al: Terra Nova Online
  • destinatario: Amblin Television, Chernin Entertainment, Kapital Entertainment, Siesta Productions, 20th Century Fox Television

Despite claiming the show was a 'successful gamble' and the ratings covered the expenses, Fox Network cancelled Terra Nova. 

Fox Studios which owns the show, picked up the actors contracts to keep them available, and began 'shopping' the show to other networks and even Netflix (which turned them down). 

But why bother with a network at all. Fox should produce the show and let the fans cover the costs directly by buying the episodes from iTunes, Amazon and the like and/or viewing them online and generating ad revenue via page hits (or better yet, both).

After all, the Studios already sink millions into movies that don't always make back those costs at the box office and yet no one stops making movies. And a season of Terra Nova, even at 13 episodes, isn't more expensive than a movie. They say that each episode costs $4 million to produce. The Nielsen ratings were approximately 7 million viewers. So if the episode was bought by every one of those viewers at the going rate of $2.99, that's well over the cost to make the episode. 

Sign and tell Fox Studios that you will buy Terra Nova episodes to keep it in production.  

I am a television viewer who during this past season faithfully watched Terra Nova every week. I was dismayed when Fox Network cancelled the show despite claims it had good ratings.

My love for this show has not been cancelled and I will watch it even if I have to pay to buy it on sources like iTunes or Amazon. Please take the risk and keep producing Terra Nova.  

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