The use of fireworksof the type containing bangers is totally unacceptable.
Surely no normal person derives pleasure from terrific bangs .If any other appliance made a fraction of the noise these fireworks it would be classed as an offence.
Noise from these explosives [and that is what they are] causes terror in both domestic and farm animals ,also many elderly people are traumatised when these are let off in their vicinity. If people want a firework display can they not be satisfied with a colourful display which would not disturb anyone.
Apart from the noise aspect there is great danger from accidents and fires , every year dozens of people suffer burns and other injuries ,but it seems that the fire services and the Health And Safety authorities are willing to accept these risks.
But the main reason for this petition is to get the bangers made illegal ,even the organisers of big displays on November 5th seem to find it neccessary to make these awful bangs regardless of the suffering they cause . Many pets are lost or injured each year around this time . So it should be stopped.