Help Drive Gender Equality in the Tech Sector

Gender inequality in the tech industry – and specifically within the media and broadcasting sector – is challenging, but we do not want to take a back seat in the drive toward equality. 

Kaltura believes in general inclusion and strives to ensure diversity and equality across the company's employees – regardless of race, gender, or nationality.

Today, we would like to move gender quality to the front of our minds, and lead by our actions.

We ask you to sign this petition and show your support for the many leading technology companies committed to raising awareness and making a change in the status of gender equality in the media and telecom industry and beyond!

According to the World Economic Forum, women only represent between 24-37% of the workforce, and in the World Economic Forum's 2018 Gender Gap Report, they found that while we are moving in the right direction, at this rate, it will take 108 years to achieve overall gender parity, and 202 years to achieve FULL equality in the workplace

Not only is gender equality in the workplace important, it is also beneficial to the companies themselves; according to extensive research done by the National Center for Women & Information Technology, companies with gender equality perform better financially, demonstrate superior productivity, produce teams that stay on schedule and budget, and overall demonstrate improved employee performance.

There is Quality in Equality.

Sign this petition to help raise awareness and drive change in this important initiative!

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