Ban All Harmful Chemicals from Drinking Water


We, the undersigned, urgently call on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to adopt a zero-tolerance policy for harmful chemicals in our drinking water. Recent research and data have revealed alarming levels of dangerous contaminants in our water supply, posing severe health risks to millions of Americans. These chemicals, including Chromium (Hexavalent), PFOS, PFOA, Haloacetic Acids (HAA5 and HAA9), Nitrate, and Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs), have been linked to serious health problems such as cancer, neurological damage, and reproductive issues & many other health problems.

Why This Matters:
Chromium (Hexavalent): This toxic substance is a known carcinogen. Even low levels can cause cancer and other severe health effects. The EPA's current standards allow levels far higher than those considered safe by health experts. EWG's health guideline is 0.02 ppb, yet levels in some areas exceed 24 times this guideline.

PFOS (Perfluorooctane Sulfonate) and PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic Acid): These perfluorinated chemicals are linked to cancer, liver damage, and developmental problems. PFOS levels in some areas are 23 times higher than EWG's health guideline of 1 ppt, and PFOA levels are 1,054 times higher than the health guideline of 0.007 ppt.

Haloacetic Acids (HAA5 and HAA9): These are byproducts of water chlorination associated with cancer risks. Levels of HAA5 in some areas exceed the EWG's health guideline by 136 times, and HAA9 levels exceed the guideline by 286 times.

Nitrate: High levels of nitrate in drinking water can cause serious health issues, including methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) in infants. Current levels exceed EWG's health guideline by 9.1 times.

Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs): These chlorination byproducts are linked to increased cancer risks. TTHM levels in some areas are 434 times higher than EWG's health guideline of 0.15 ppb.

Current Issues:
Inadequate Standards: The existing regulations for these chemicals are outdated and insufficient. The EPA's permissible limits often do not reflect the latest research on health impacts.

Lack of Transparency: The EPA's reporting on water quality and contaminant levels lacks transparency, leaving many communities unaware of the true safety of their drinking water.

Delayed Action: Despite growing evidence of the dangers associated with these chemicals, the EPA has been slow to act. Many communities continue to be exposed to unsafe levels of contaminants.

Our Demands:
Zero-Tolerance Policy: Implement an immediate zero-tolerance policy for all harmful chemicals in drinking water. No level of contamination should be deemed acceptable.

Stricter Regulations: Enforce more stringent regulations and adopt advanced water treatment technologies to ensure contaminant levels are reduced to the lowest possible.

Increased Transparency: Improve transparency in reporting water quality data to the public. Ensure communities are fully informed about the safety of their drinking water.

Accountability: We demand the EPA conduct a thorough review and reform of its practices. Specifically, we call for the dismissal of those responsible for maintaining outdated standards and failing to act on new research. It is imperative that the EPA prioritize public health and ensure its actions reflect the latest scientific evidence.

By signing this petition, you are advocating for the health and safety of our communities. We call on the EPA to take decisive action to eliminate harmful chemicals from our drinking water and hold accountable those who have failed in their duty to protect public health.


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