Unban Chad Syphrett from DeviantArt.com

  • al: Chad A. Syphrett
  • destinatario: Independent Artists, DeviantArt Members, DeviantArt Inc., Persecuted Artist
If you would like to learn more about the harassment (especially threats & false-accusations) Chad Syphrett received at deviantart.com, please read his blog: Chad-Syphrett.blogspot.com

We The Undersigned would like you all to support Chad Syphrett, who has been harassed by members of an openly hateful group of pro-Nazis, gore-fanatics, & pedo-obsessed members of DeviantArt & EncyclopediaDramatica.com. Many of the admins of DeviantART don't seem to support EncyclopediaDramatica, but some of them have encouraged members of that website by allowing them to continue harassing & stalking artists like Chad Syphrett, who never invited or provoked deadly attacks (including death-threats) and spam used to intimidate and embarass him.

His harassers and stalkers purposely took his jokes at other sites completely out of context, and lied about his intentions, relationships, and projects. Most of his harassers were (and still are) supporters of anonymous & cowardly bully-tactics. They've written blogs, and a libelous article about his work and other past experiences to make the public turn against his effort to share the truth and help inform the masses about what he believes to be important.

He's not a conspiracy theorist or anti-government.

After months of the attacks, Chad Syphrett was forced to either continue being libeled, impersonated and mocked by many of the members of those online-communities or fight back. He chose to do the latter. So him & a few of his friends harassed the same people, who were using DeviantArt.com as a platform to write slanderous blogs & recruit others to harass Chad & his friends at that site.

Although DeviantArt.com is known for having 1 of the biggest communities of artists (mostly amateurs, but many professionals as well), they do not acknowledge the hundreds of members, who are forced to either leave their website and/or suffer the consequences of being ridiculed by pro-Nazi, pedophile-junkies, and openly homosexual hate-groups of at that website.

For several months, Chad Syphrett was harassed about his sexuality, location, and age. Many of his provokers at deviantART threatened to bomb his house, some of them posted artwork of his profile-image with inappropriate messages underneath them.

So after many weeks of reporting those provokers, and trying to get help from the dA-staff (who never banned a single person he reported), Chad & his friends harassed their provokers at DeviantArt.com.

Admins of that website banned Chad from deviantART after he was accused of "harassing many deviants". Please help him get unbanned by sending an email to the owner of DeviantART & comments to the DeviantART-staff at Twitter.com/DeviantART.

To whomever voted for this man to be unbanned: Thanks for your kindness & patience. We're planning to announce the results of this petition & the support we may receive at:



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